Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Olivia's First Day's at Home!

Olivia's first experience in her cute car seat as we leave the hospital.... too cute huh?!
Our little angel!
A true Maple Leaf fan in the making... Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Fleck!

Dave's parents came down for Mothers Day to meet their first grandchild. It was a moment that was definitely caught on tape!! It was so nice to have some help as I'm still recovering from my c-section. Can't wait for her to come back at the end of the month!!


Anonymous said...

Stephanie!!!! How fun is this website...I have now seen your precious Baby and she is a DOLL! (like her Mom!!) Congrats to you both and many, many happy years to come!!
Love, Janelle (Jessica's Mom now living in Mississippi!!)

Mommy and Daddy Snowden said...

Steph, she is perfect and totally cute G says... I wanna here all about the eventful day!!!
Gunnar (Olivia's future BF) and his mom heather

Emily Netland said...

She sure is cute.

And as Ace Ventura would say about all the pink..."obsessed much??"